Monday 13 August 2012

SEO Step By Step Guide For Google Beginners

For the Google beginners guide to SEO, there is a simple methodology for optimizing a page in your website with a keyword phrase of keyword in it (Google). It has been broken into three different phases, which are internal and external off page SEO and on page SEO. However one thing should be kept in your mind before starting with the SEO method.

The first and foremost thing you need to do is to select the landing page that you can hope to rank up for the
phrases. If you have decided on creating a new brand page for the phrase targeted then, you need to use the keyword in naming the file. Once you are through in the process of selection of landing page, you can start with the SEO process.

SEO step by step guide:

As already mentioned, there are three steps for the beginners guide to SEO, which are discussed below in detail:-

  • Step 1- On-page SEO (Optimizing the landing page):
-          Utilization of the phrase of keyword in the “Title tag”. The phrase needs to end within 1st seventy characters.
-          Utilization of the phrase of keyword in the “Meta Description”. The phrase needs to end within 1st one hundred and fifty six characters.
-          Utilization of the phrase of keyword in the <h1> tag if any.
It should be taken care of that the phrase of keyword is utilized in the content of the body in the page at least for twice. Moreover it should be noted that the usage of keyword is distributed evenly on the entire page.

  • Step 2- Internal Off-page SEO:
The identification of the additional pages to be optimized for the keyword phrase targeted on your website is necessary. Once you have identified the support page or pages, the link can be maximized with relevance to the landing page with the following:-

-          Utilizing the phrase of keyword in the page Title and Meta Description as well
-          Utilizing the phrase of keyword in non hyperlinked content of the body and
-          Hyperlinking an instance of the phrase of keyword to the landing page as intended
      It is better if you could maximize numerous optimal links for supporting your landing page better.

  • Step 3- Building up of links ( External Off-page SEO):
This is the final step in the SEO process after you are through with optimization of several pages and have linked them up to the landing page as well. Here are no step on step methods that you need to follow. In the third phase, you need to check on the process of making your content linkable in order to develop the links naturally. You need to make a research on the existing competition for such links that are relevant to your landing page. You need to remember the upcoming guidelines for the external links for Google SEO:-

-          You should focus on quality rather than quantity. Try to look for the pages relevant for your keyword targeted.
-          An optimized link from among your pages is equivalent to the optimized link from a third party website.
-          The ideas of link magnet or brainstorming sessions for developing the inbound links naturally.
-          In most cases, the external links can be attained only by offering incentives to the owners of the websites. Partnerships, bartering possibilities and advertising relationships need to be explored for obtaining the valuable links. However, you should not pay for such a link unless and until it has important customers’ potential.

With the guidelines mentioned above, you can move ahead for the external links. Thus, with the   step by step SEO guide, you can effectively get into its (SEO) process.

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